Ready to use your amateur radio skills for public service? Whether you are a new Technician or an experienced ham, there is a place for you on our team.
The Duval County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) comprises of hams just like you, who volunteer their time and equipment when emergency strikes. Ready to support the Jacksonville community when needed.
Our members come from all parts of town, from the many amateur radio clubs throughout the community. We want to learn skills and methods that make a difference. Jacksonville does not have that many Amateur Radio Operators.
So why not attend a meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. We meet at Hogan Baptist Church at 8045 Hogan Road in Jacksonville, FL 32216. See who we are, what we do, and how you can be part of our team.
So are you ready to join us?
Already a member?
If you are looking for more information or would like to make a donation, you can contact us.