Hurricane Dorian 2019
SitRep Duval County 18:00 EST, 9/4/2019
ARES Radio service is terminated @ 1800 hours ARES staffed eight shelters beginning 1800 yesterday and remained for 24 hours All ARES activities are terminated after the normal net this evening. The ARES CROWN District is canceled. The curfew and all evacuation orders are terminated as of 1900 hours this evening There are no bridges closed in Duval County. The electric utility reported as many as 32000 w/o power. All but 200 +/- have been restored, most within 40 minutes of notification. Duval County sheltered a total of 646 persons and a total of 38 Pets Blowing winds and rain bands continue as the hurricane moves Northward All aviation operations @ JIA have terminated The Jacksonville port remains closed, condition “X” set by the Coast Guard US NAVY assets have sortied from Jacksonville and Mayport to their designated safe havens Cecil Airport, JaxEx are scheduled to re-open 5 September, The St. Johns River Ferry remains closed All mass transportation services by JTA remain suspended NO FURTHER SITREPS WILL BE SENT. . . . .EOM, DE W4IJJ, et al
Highlights for Duval County 9/2/2019, 18:00:
There are now 12 shelters open in Duval. Openings began at 10:00 AM. Mandatory evacuations for flood-prone locations enacted, began @ 0800 today. A local state of emergency was declared by the Jacksonville Mayor @ 0000, 2 September. All Duval schools are closed through 4 September. Many are being used as evacuation shelters .All three beaches in Duval County are “closed” and water taxi service has been suspended. The EOC is now in full activation mode. All City offices are closed through 4 September. Bridges are being monitored for high winds, and will be closed when wind speed has reached. 45 MPH, sustained. Beaches Baptist Hospital ER will close @ 19:00. All Patients will be evacuated to other facilities. All of Duval County Courts and offices are closed. Jacksonville University closed through 5 September. Edward Waters College, closed. Jacksonville, Atlantic and Neptune Beaches now have a curfew of 22:00-0600. Coast Guard port set to condition “X”. There are zero RADO’s deployed to shelters or other agencies. Duval ARES continues at level two. The CROWN District Net was called yesterday evening @ 18:00. The monthly SkyWarn Net was canceled by the SkyWarn President. There are zero requests for Ham Radio mutual aid at this time. There are no utility issues reported at this time.
This completes the synopsis of events surrounding response to Hurricane Dorian. Duval ARES continues to monitor storm updates/reports.
John Reynolds, W4IJJ
CROWN District ECDuval County ECASM, North FL, ARC Liaison
Hurricane Dorian – The Incident Radio Communication Plan for Hurricane Dorian
Posted on September 2, 2019 by Ralph E Figueroa
The Incident Radio Communication Plan for Hurricane Dorian can be found within our Resources Page, but has also been provided here. Please review it.
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Channel 1 (5332 kHz channel center) will be available for primary voice traffic 5332 kHz channel center, 5330.5 kHz USB. Channel 2 (5348 kHz channel center) will handle digital traffic, 5346.5 kHz USB
Hurricane Dorian
Posted on August 30, 2019 by Ralph E Figueroa
Florida Tri-section managers are accepting applications for deployable ARES radio operators to support hurricane Dorian response efforts in Florida.
The form can be found here:
IMPORTANT: This is only an application, it is not notification to deploy or notification you have been selected. Section managers simply want to have a database of available personnel. Coordinate with your ARES Emergency Coordinator. Please also click this link, which will open up your email and provide your name and Call Sign confirming that you have completed the above aforementioned form. Thank you for your co-operation.